It all started in 1943, when my grandfather – Petro Semenovich Tsygankov returned from the WW2 and entered the Leningrad Technological Institute of Food Industry. Subsequently, he graduated with honors. Then he taught for three years in a technical school, until he forever linked his fate with KTIFI – Kyiv Technological Institute of Food Industry.
There he graduated from graduate school, worked as an assistant, associate professor, became a professor, headed the department “Processes and Devices,” was vice-rector for scientific work.

Petro Semenovich devoted all his scientific activity to the creation of highly efficient equipment and technologies for rectification of alcohol. In the realm of ethanol purification he had no equal. Professor Tsygankov was invited to alcohol factories, where he introduced the most modern and daring of his developments. Alcohol manufacturers throughout the USSR listened to his advice. He is the author of almost 200 scientific papers, the creator of textbooks and manuals.
The experimental and theoretical works of Prof. Ph.D. Tsygankov are based on original solutions, for which he received more than 40 copyright certificates and six patents, the title “Honored Inventor of Ukraine.” My grandfather became a laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of brew-rectification.
Since 1988, his son and my father, Sergey Petrovich Tsygankov, who graduated from KTIFI in 1973 with a degree in biotechnology, joined the activities of Professor Tsygankov in the design bureau.

Now Ph.D. Sergey Petrovich is the main consultant at the Tsygankov Design Bureau – Agrotechnology. He and his famous father reconstructed and launched most of the distilleries in Ukraine. And in 1998, the first bioethanol plant in Ukraine was launched – the “Budylka experimental” with cyclohexane dehydration, already in 2012 this plant was transferred by Agrotechnology to molecular sieves. Sergey Petrovich Tsygankov is the author of several monographs on the topics of distillation, rectification, production of bioethanol.
In 2002, my grandfather Prof. Ph.D. Petro Semenovich Tsygankov died. But Dad and I gratefully continue his work together. I also studied at my father’s and grandfather’s alma mater – in 1998 I graduated from the Ukrainian State University of Food Technologies, now it already has the status of National. My profession is a technologist of fermentation and winemaking. In general, I am engaged not only in the design and technology, but also in the promotion of our company in the Ukrainian territories and abroad. Therefore, with my participation in 2003, DB Tsygankov created the company Agrotechnology.

Each new generation has brought its skills to the common case, every day we improve together and even with the participation of our new engineers. We build and reconstruct bioethanol plants, alcohol enterprises, educate new modern professionals for the alcohol production industry. Everybody in our company is incredibly proud of its roots, because it gives us strength and resistance to develop confidently in the market.

My son Mark is 12 now, and who knows – perhaps he will someday add another facet to our time-honored, strong and so beloved work.